(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Carmen Irina Puiu nominated by Grande Prairie Centre for Newcomers

Carmen Irina Puiu nominated by Grande Prairie Centre for Newcomers

Carmen Irina Puiu nominated by Grande Prairie Centre for Newcomers

Grande Prairie Centre for Newcomers nominates Carmen Irina Puiu for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Carmen has been a volunteer for us since last year. Originally volunteering as an interpreter. She has most recently helped informally tutor one of our clients in English the past couple months. This is not a regular volunteer opportunity, but this client desperately needed additional help as she waited for English classes and so Carmen has been an absolute Angel for her. Thank you Carmen for being an amazing volunteer and being so friendly, kind and considerate and for truly making a difference in our client’s lives!’