(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Iamme Justice nominated by Centre for Young Parents

Iamme Justice nominated by Centre for Young Parents

Iamme Justice nominated by Centre for Young Parents

Centre for Young Parents nominates Iamme Justice for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Iamme is a very welcome, cheery, and helpful soul. We enjoy their help and company. Iamme is a 32-year-old non-binary student and substitute teacher. Iamme is from the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq people but calls Treaty 8 their home. They love to play board games and visit local cafe, Cards, regularly, appreciates all the services The GP Library has to offer and decided to volunteer with us to support the local programming that our store’s profits are for: The Center for Young Parents. They like nature, the color purple, and love being visible in GP for the trans community at large! Their biggest dream is to see all people of Turtle Island have access to clean drinking water as a starting point and to have all people rekindle their relationship with this land. Kinanâskomitin (Thank you, I am grateful to you).’