(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Brad Carriere nominated by Naviah Eliasen from Grande Prairie Minor Baseball

Brad Carriere nominated by Naviah Eliasen from Grande Prairie Minor Baseball

Brad Carriere nominated by Naviah Eliasen from Grande Prairie Minor Baseball

Naviah Eliasen from Grande Prairie Minor Baseball nominates Brad Carriere for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week & National Coaches Week (September 16-24)! Naviah wrote ‘What makes coach Brad awesome is his dedication to the team. He’s funny, approachable, makes us work hard, doesn’t play favourites, sets the expectation for either practices or games and allowed us rise to that expectation. He gives out compliments when earned and corrects when needed. And always, always made me feel welcomed.

Grande Prairie Regional Sport Connection wants to help you celebrate the amazing coaches in your life. From August 14 to September 8 fill out the form at https://forms.gle/vVWNMjVy38rJ1dTq9 & tell them why you want to say #thankscoach.