Who We Are

Who We Are

The Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations (formerly known as Grande Prairie Volunteer Services Bureau) was established in 1969, and incorporated as a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency on April 12, 1983. The Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations is a membership organization for the civic sector in the Northwest Peace Region, serving charitable and non-profit community organizations in the City and County of Grande Prairie and beyond.  Our member agencies and clients represent a broad region. They range from; small rural agricultural groups to large agencies providing services to families and individuals in distress, through to indigenous agencies, cultural agencies, sports groups, and more.

Our members strengthen communities and empower individuals to take control of their lives. They tackle; poverty, address inequalities, increase inclusiveness, improve the environment, and enhance the overall wellbeing of our region. Our mandate is to further such community development through supporting the success of our members and the non-profit sector as a whole.  We provide educational, advisory, networking and support services to our member agencies, as well as volunteer recruitment, retention and recognition programs.  In recent years, we have extended our training expertise to include direct skill development programs for marginalized groups and individuals.

The Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations (the Association) is well-connected to networks of volunteer administrators, volunteer groups, and non-profit organizations across the communities we serve.   As such we work with and partner with a number of agencies to foster inclusiveness, belonging, and build social capital; promote social justice; foster cultural expression; generate solutions to social, environmental, and cultural challenges; and create connections between citizens, in all our communities and local governments. 

Our organization has played an integral part in the community for over 50 years. The legacy name Grande Prairie Volunteer Services Bureau will always be cherished as part of our history.  As we enter a new chapter, post-COVID, we believe that the time is right to give a new definition to our organization. Our new name: Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations, honours our past legacy and reflects our vision for the future.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to enhance community development through success of the non-profit sector.

Vision Statement

The vision of the Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations is to be a proactive, leading and professional Centre of Excellence empowering the community of Grande Prairie and area through provision of services to non-profit organizations and community volunteers.

Values and Beliefs

We believe in Inclusiveness, Social Responsibility, Leadership, Commitment and Social Accountability. These beliefs are fundamental to our values and responsibilities and guide our everyday work and decision making.

We Lead

Through our activities, supporting, empowering and working in collaboration with our local organizations to advance social goals and attain the best possible future for the communities we serve.

We Understand

We have an obligation to improve the quality of life for our community members through community advocacy and by increasing and building the capacity of our local organizations through education, learning, outreach and skill-sharing.

We Value

Our local organizations and the difference they make to the quality of life for individual community members. We foster and promote their diversity and unique contributions in making a difference to local lives and issues.

We Perform

By demonstrating excellence in all aspects of our work and in the provision of service to our communities. We make and support our decisions based on the four pillars of good governance: transparency, accountability, predictability and participation.

Our Service Area

The City and County of Grande Prairie, extending North to Grimshaw, East to Valleyview, South to Grande Cache and West to the Alberta-BC Border.

Core Functions

  • To operate a community information centre where volunteers, community organizations and other stakeholders are able to access information, services and support.
  • To provide volunteer recognition programs that celebrate and support community involvement.
  • To build community capacity through the provision of professional development opportunities, advisory services and coordination of networking groups and activities.
  • To work in conjunction with other community groups to develop and maintain an integrated community system in order to remedy service gaps and decrease duplication of services.
  • To advocate for our region’s volunteers and the non-profit voluntary sector within local, provincial and federal associations and with government representatives.

Programs & Services

  • Citizen Engagement Awards & Recognition
  • Capacity & Leadership Development
  • Advisory Services
  • Grant Writing Research & Support
  • Organizational Resources
  • Youth Engagement Programs
  • Networking, Advocacy & Promotion
The Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement
Keeping Your Organization’s Facebook Page Safe

“We acknowledge the homeland of the many diverse First Nations and Métis people whose ancestors have walked this land since time immemorial. We are grateful to work, live and learn on the traditional territory of Treaty 8.”