

Policies & Procedures Templates

Annual General Meeting Template Documents

Board Resources

Click here to view our presentation on Writing Effective Meeting Minutes.

Important Notes:

Do not rely on these sample policies and procedures alone. They are designed as a starting point only – you will have to adapt them to your own organization’s needs and structures.

Best recommended practice is that policies be adopted at a board level, while procedures be developed and signed off by the organization’s head staff member (e.g. the ED).

In these policies we use the term ‘Board’ to cover Boards or Management Committees or what name you may have for the body that has final authority in your organization. Similarly, we use the term ED for Executive Directors, CEOs or other title you may use for whoever runs your administration.

These are generalized policies, specific policies for your programs (eg. Cancellation policy etc) and organization(eg. Recruitment of Board Members policy etc) are best designed by your own organization.

Directions for Use: Policies have been put on templates for your convenience and use. If the policy meets your needs simply fill in your organizational name on the blank spaces. You are welcome to change any wording to better meet your needs and requirements.

If you require additional help or different policies please feel free to contact the us. We are happy to help.

DISCLAIMER: While all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no responsibility is accepted by the author(s) or Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations, its staff or volunteers, for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies. The material provided in this resource has been prepared to provide general information only. It is not intended to be relied upon or be a substitute for legal or other professional advice. No responsibility can be accepted by the author(s) or Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations for any known or unknown consequences that may result from reliance on any information provided in this publication.

These policies are free for Member Agencies of the Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations to download and use, so long as it is for a non-commercial purpose and that the organization is not paying a consultant to carry out this work.

Useful Documents

The Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement
Keeping Your Organization’s Facebook Page Safe