(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Month Winners

Debbie McCallum - November 2021 Volunteer of the Month

November 2021 Tim Hortons Volunteer of the Month

The winner of November’s Volunteer of the Month draw is Debbie McCallum who was nominated for Volunteers of the Week by Art Gallery of Grande Prairie.

Here is a look back at what they had to say about working with Debbie, ‘Debbie is a dedicated volunteer in our community and to our organization. She is always so helpful and willing.’

Congratulations Debbie!

Volunteer of the Month winners are awarded a $100 Gift Card from Tim Hortons!

The staff and board of the GPVSB would like to thank our sponsor Tim Hortons for helping us fuel the volunteers of Grande Prairie and surrounding area.

October 2021 Tim Hortons Volunteer of the Month

April Chandonnet nominated by Donna Calliou

Donna Calliou nominates April Chandonnet for Volunteers of the Week! Donna wrote ‘April completed her 500 volunteer hours for Habitat for Humanity and she continues to support the other families that need their hours.’

Amy Deveaux nominated by Highland Park Neighbourhood Association

Casey Mclean with the Highland Park Neighbourhood Association nominates Amy Deveaux for Volunteers of the Week. They wrote ‘Amy has been helping our Association making a positive community impact in our neighbourhood for several years and this year she has joined our board and stepped up in a big way to use her spare time to start heading some of our events and this is HUGELY appreciated.