(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Ailsa Johnson nominated by Sheryl Pelletier – Friends of the Shannon Library Society

Ailsa Johnson nominated by Sheryl Pelletier - Friends of the Shannon Library Society

Ailsa Johnson nominated by Sheryl Pelletier – Friends of the Shannon Library Society

Sheryl Pelletier with Friends of the Shannon Library Society nominates Ailsa Johnson for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! Sheryl wrote ‘She has been actively involved in our Friends Society since before I (Library Director) arrived in 2007. She stayed involved throughout the changes that the Society went through and helped make those changes sustainable. She took over as President in 2012 and has helped keep the Society Active throughout. She volunteers and helps organize annual fundraisers, raffle events, and Casino volunteers.’

‘Outside of the Friends Society, she is an amazing recruiter for volunteers for other casinos, will sell books of raffle tickets for whosoever needs them, and is just generally the exact person to call when you need someone.’

‘She is active in the Sexsmith Seniors Kitchen, The Seams like Sexsmith Quilt Guild, The Friends of the Library Society, her local sorority., as well as being a grandmother and friend to all who need her.’