(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Candice Jaschke nominated by AHS Adult Day Program

Candice Jaschke nominated by AHS Adult Day Program

Candice Jaschke nominated by AHS Adult Day Program

AHS Adult Day Program nominates Candice Jaschke for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Candice has been volunteering with the Grande Prairie Adult Day Program for about 6 months. As soon as Candice walked in the room, she fit right in. Candice has a multitude of talents that she is willing and able to share. For example, Candice used her circuit talent to build 50 comfort care bag logos for the Palliative Care Society. Candice takes everything in stride, is conversational, affectionate, understanding and supportive of our clients and their families. Candice saved the day by volunteering for an outing that would have had to be canceled if we could not find volunteer support. Thank you Candice for stepping up and helping us out. We appreciate you.’