(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Kent Hill nominated by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grande Prairie & Area

Kent Hill nominated by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grande Prairie & Area

Kent Hill nominated by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grande Prairie & Area

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grande Prairie & Area nominates Kent Hill for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Kent has been a volunteer with our organization for 6 years and volunteers his time to mentor a youth who has faced many hardships in his young life. Kent has been a dedicated and steadfast volunteer for both the agency and his Little. Recently, Kent spoke on behalf of a Mentor perspective at our 2024 Ultimate Escape and demonstrated the impact that volunteering to be a Mentor has had on not only his Little’s life, but also on his own. Even with Kent’s busy work schedule, he always dedicates time to his Little and recently did something extra special for his Little for his birthday, this week to make his day even more memorable. We are lucky to have mentors like Kent in our program and are thankful for everything he does for our program and his Little! Thank you, Kent!’